Saturday, January 23, 2010

十三势 (13 Postures)

In Chinese internal martial arts practice there are 13 postures sometimes called powers. Bamen or eight gates describes the eight hand techniques while wubu or five steps describes the five cardinal directions.

The eight hand techniques are in direct relationship with the diagram of th Bagua.  Four straight directions and four corner directions.

Peng SouthWard Off
LuWestRoll Back
Cai (tsai)NorthwestPluck or Pull Down
Lie (lieh)SoutheastSplit
Zhou (chou)NortheastElbow

The five steps follow the theory of the Wuxing (5 element or 5 stage theory).

Jin Bu進步Forward StepFire
Tui Bu退步Backward StepWater
Zuo Gu左顧 (simpl.: 左顾)Left StepWood
You Pan右盼Right StepMetal
Zhong Ding
Central EquilibriumEarth

The interplay of the eight gates and five steps is a key component found within all the internal martial arts styles.  While the concept seems simple enough, remember that all the movements are initiated with the mind. the mind leading the chi and chi initiating movement. A hand technique or step, therefore, is the external manifestation of the internal process.

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